[From: Every Woman's Cook Book,
by Mrs. Chas. F. Moritz (1926) p. 467]
1/2 cup grapenuts
2 egg whites
2/3 cup sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 cup pecan meats (cut fine)
Tiny pinch salt
Heat grapenuts, then roll
fine. Add salt and sugar to egg whites,
whip very stiff. Add lemon
Juice, continue to whip until stiff enough
to stand (requires twenty-five to
thirty minutes).
Fold in grapenuts and pecans
gradually. When well mixed, drop
by teaspoonfuls on flat tins lined
with buttered paper.
Bake in very slow oven until
set and very delicately browned.
Makes thiry to thirty-five kisses.