[From Good Housekeeping's Book of Menus, Recipes, and Household Discoveries
  (1922)  p. 151]

                     CHICKEN GELATIN

2 cupfuls cooked diced chicken         1/4 teaspoonful paprika
3 tablespoonsful granulated gelatin     Salt
2 cupfuls boiling chicken stock           1 hard-cooked egg
1/4 teaspoonful pepper                      Stuffed olives
1/4 teaspoonful celery salt                 Lettuce or watercress
1/2 cupful cold water                        Mayonnaise

Soak the gelatin in the cold water until softened.  Then dis-
solve it in the boiling chicken stock and add the pepper,
celery salt, paprika, and salt, if sufficient was not added when
the chicken was cooked.  Stir well and cool.  When beginning
to set, add the chicken meat.  Pour into wet individual molds
in the bottom of which are slices of hard-cooked egg in rings
of slices cut from stuffed olives.  Chill thoroughly and garnish
with watercress or lettuce and mayonnaise.

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