[From Good Housekeeping's Book of Menus, Recipes, and Household Discoveries
  (1922)  p. 166-167]

                         TAMALE LOAF

1½ pounds beef chuck or bot-     1 large onion
 tom round                                 1 teaspoonful chili powder
3 cupfuls stock                           ½ teaspoonful paprika
2 cupfuls strained, canned to-      3 teaspoonfuls salt
 matoes                                     1 cupful unstoned ripe olives
                                                 1¼ cupfuls cornmeal

Cover the meat with hot water and simmer until tender, re-
plenishing the water if necessary.  Put the meat through
a grinder, add the stock of which there should be three cup-
fuls, the tomatoes, the onion chopped fine, the chili powder,
paprika, and salt.  Bring to a boil and add the cornmeal
gradually, stirring constantly.  Cook for one hour.  Then
add the ripe olives, stoned and cut in small pieces, and pour
into greased pans.  Mold, reheat in a steamer, and serve hot
with a highly-seasoned tomato sauce.

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